
Vinsamlega sýnið biðlund

Kyn / Fæðingarár
Kvenkyns / 1984

Nánari upplýsingar

UndirskráSpurningaskrár - Svör

Kafli 1 af 6 - Description of diet

Describe your diet in your everyday life. Do you define your diet in a certain way? If so, what does that definition entail?

I have a vegetarian-based diet and consume meat with my family from time to time.

For how long have you adhered to this diet?

15 years, at least

Kafli 2 af 6 - Reasons and experience

What made you change your diet? What are the main reasons behind the decision and why do you stick with it?

First because of health reasons, and later I become more conscious about the producers (farmers, fair trade, etc) and the environment (reducing carbon footprint, local consumption).

Where did you first hear about this diet? How did the change occur? Suddenly or gradually?

I read a book about yoga which mentions a very strict vegetarian diet, and so I adapted to it gradually.

Has your approach or perspective changed in any way since you started this diet? Can you give an example?

I think the practice changes from time and time and place to place. When I lived in Hong Kong, access to a wide range of vegetables was easy. Living in Iceland is another story, especially in the country, you just have to adhere to whatever the store provides!

Have you experienced any changes in yourself following a changed diet? For example changes in how you feel (physically or mentally), your sense of taste, your behaviour, interests, or social life? If yes, please describe the changes or give examples.

I think it has increased my interest and appreciation in production/consumption of food, for example I become interested to look for recipes that could make vegetables taste delicious and the diet more balanced.

Kafli 3 af 6 - Your diet in everyday life

Where do you usually shop for groceries? What determines what goes into your shopping basket? (Does f. ex. pricing matter? The origin of the product? How about marketing and advertisement? The information on the labels and packaging? The layout of the store?)

I go to Kjörbúðin in the town (because of proximity) and to Bónus about once in a week (because of lower price). The range of products are more less similar in many stores in Iceland, so I would say the origin, marketing/advertisement or labelling do not really influence much when I choose where to shop.

Where you live, how is the access to the food or raw materials you need to be able to follow your diet?

I live in the countryside in North Iceland. Access is limited because the store is not big. That is why sometimes we go to Akureyri to do grocery.

How much interest do you have in food and cooking in general? Is food an important aspect of your life? How much time do you devote to thinking about, making and consuming food? Do you enjoy trying out new recipes, or even coming up with your own?

I have a great deal of interest in food and cooking. Food is an important aspect in my life. I would roughly plan what to eat for a week and do purchase accordingly. I always look for new recipes and even create my own, sometimes.

What characterises good food? (For ex. regarding taste, smell, texture, appearance, or other qualities?)

Taste, look, texture and nutrition.

What characterises quality food when it comes to your specific diet? Does it matter for instance if the food is fresh or processed or contains additives?

Preferably fresh. I usually make things from scratch, if possible.

Is there anything you especially miss from your previous diet? Why?

Not really.

How often do you cook at home? What needs to be in place in the kitchen for you to be able to follow your diet? (Any specific tools or equipment, a certain amount of space or anything else?)

I cook every today. I have no special requirement for space and tool.

How often do you eat out? Where do you prefer to go? Is it easy or difficult to order food that matches your diet in restaurants?

I eat out about once a month. I prefer going to a restaurant. It´s not too difficult to order food nowadays, compared to 10 years ago.

What are the main obstacles you have met in your daily life when it comes to following your diet? What would make it even easier for you to follow your current diet?

I think through the years I have learnt to be flexible so I do not see problems to execute my diet.

Kafli 4 af 6 - Home/family, traditions, and gendered perspectives

Describe your household conditions (How many live in your home? Are there children in the home? etc.). Does everyone follow the same diet as you do? If not, how does that affect your eating habits?

I live with my husband with no children. It was first difficult for my husband to follow my diet, or for me to follow his (which has almost no vegetable or fruits). Slowly he changed and now he is more adapted to my diet.

Do you experience support or criticism from your family, friends, or colleagues/school mates? Does that make a difference for you? Can you give us an example?

I was criticised by my parents when I was young because it is true that a vegetable based diet needs to be planned out (or at least thought about) so you consciously add a variety of food in it to make sure you got all the nutrients you need.

Do food traditions matter to you, f. ex. during celebrations? Have you had to adapt food traditions to your diet? How so?

Food traditions matter to me, and as much as I can I try to twist the recipes to be more vegetarian.

How about dinner parties and gatherings where food is offered? Do you make special arrangements regarding those? What kind of attitudes have you experienced from the hosts or other guests? Please tell us about real-life examples if you have any.

If I am the host, I would make arrangement for the food to be more vegetarian. I always ask my guests before they come to make sure their dietary restriction is accommodated. And sometimes guests, who are not vegetarian, would also enjoy the veggie dishes because they feel fresh and appreciate the variety. If I am a guest, I will try to be more accommodating to whatever the host provides and be appreciative.

Have you noticed any specific attitudes or anything else regarding your diet based on your gender? If so, please describe an example.

No, it seems quite 'natural´ for women to be more health conscious and adapt a vegetable based diet. My uncle is a Buddhist and a vegetarian and people seem to find it a bit harder to accept it.

Kafli 5 af 6 - Information, education, sustainability and health

Where do you mainly look for information, knowledge, recipes, or inspiration for your diet? Please put in links for any websites or social media accounts that you use (if any).

I usually use google to look for recipes, just general search.

Do you find it important to educate others about your diet? Why, and how do you do it? / Why not? Please describe some real-life examples.

I do not educate others about my diet, but if people ask I am happy to share. I do not want to impose my ideas to others or argue that I am 'right'. I think nowadays people are more open to different kinds of diets.

In your mind, what does sustainability in everyday life entail?

To be conscious of what you produce and consume on a daily basis, and take actions to reduce your footprints (negative impact) to the environment and the generations to come.

In your mind, what does healthy eating entail? What is healthy food?

Healthy food is ideally produced and consumed by you with a sense of appreciation. I have been growing food in my garden in the summer and it helps me to be appreciative of how food is produced. It is truly a combination of love and energy from the nature and human. Once you realise it, you will not waste your food. I have come up with recipes to cook and preserve my summer vegetables.

Kafli 6 af 6 - Final remarks

Are you planning to continue to follow this diet for the foreseeable future?

I think so, I will continue to follow.

Is there anything you would like to add that has not been covered so far?

No :)

What is your occupation?

Tourist guide and teacher-to-be

What is your level of education?

I have a master degree in cultural studies and I am doing a postgraduate diploma in education.

Do you have any remarks or comments on this questionnaire?

No thanks :)

Þetta aðfang er í Þjóðminjasafni Íslands. Safnið varðveitir um 7 milljónir mynda, um 130 þúsund muni og rúmlega 26 þúsund færslur um þjóðhætti. Í húsasafni eru um 60 hús.


Áætlað er að um 80-90 % þessara aðfanga sé komin í stafrænan búning, mismunandi eftir tegundum. Einnig er skráningin mismunandi ítarleg og myndir bara við hluta gagnanna.

Birting gagna í Sarpi er á ábyrgð viðkomandi safns.

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